Friendly & Relaxed

We're an authentic relational group of
believers and disciples.
Our dress code is "come as you are".  

Pre-service Café

Before our service come and fellowship or
just grab a drink on the way in

Lively Worship

Energetic and Spirit-led; We clap, raise our hands and express our worship to Father God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

Easy Generosity

Our giving opportunities are no-pressure, encouraging and short.

Great Messages

Regardless of whether it is one of our pastors preaching, or a guest minister, be prepared to HEAR God's Truth in Love.

Prayer Available

There is always an opportunity to respond to HIM, and prayer ministers are available to agree with you - before and after the service.

Quiet Room

A space for real little ones to be entertained and cared for by their parents, with the live stream


Classes for the littlest ones at LakeHaven.
Safe, fun & full of God's love.

KIDZ church

Fabulous hands on, hearts in church for
elementary aged children.

"You'll experience the transforming power of god's love and people who sincerely care"

- Dana Ostrom

"if you are passionate about seeking the heart
of jesus, get ready to catch fire!"

- Amber Snow

"I am now in a lifelong journey with the
holy spirit that resides within me."

- Rob Mardak